"Curry!" Selena cried out. "How are you? It's been such a long time!"
"It has," I said awkwardly, looking down at my shoes. "And, well, there's something I wanted to ask you."
"Really?" Selena asked, a little confused. "What is it?"
And then all the things I wanted to say flew out of my head. My brain was whirring at top speed but no words were coming out.
So I did the only thing that made any sense at all. I kissed her.
"Was that your question?" Selena asked afterward, sounding a little amused.
"Um..." I was lost for words again. "Yup, pretty much."
"Well, then," she said softly. "The answer is 'Yes'."
Then she kissed me, and I lost track of the world for awhile. When we broke apart at last, I knew that I was no longer alone.
I could tell you about the countless days we spent together, learning about each other, laughing, kissing.
I could tell you how she confessed that she'd always had a crush on me, but never known what to say.
But it all comes down to the moment when I brought her back to the bridge to ask her another, different question.
"What's the big surprise?" Selena asked. "We haven't been back here since the day we started dating!"
I thought of Mom and how happy she would be as I got down on one knee in front of Selena.
"Selena," I began. "When we met on the bridge before, I was lost for words at the sight of you, and I still am today. Without you, I feel empty and lost. I can't imagine life separate from you anymore. Will you marry me?"
"Yes!" Selena cried. "Yes, I can't believe this, we're going to get married!"
We had a private wedding right there on the bridge. There was no sense in waiting when we couldn't think of a more perfect time or place than at sunset in the most magical place in all of Sunset Valley.
After that, time sped by. I got a job at the hospital, and planned to work my way up until I was a real doctor. Selena got a job working for the local newspaper. Her dream is to be a famous journalist, and I'm confident that she'll achieve it.
Then came the day when Selena came home from work and rushed to the bathroom, puking. The same thing happened the next morning. I was scared that she might be sick, until I took her to the hospital and we discovered that she was pregnant!
I was so excited for the upcoming birth that I read any pregnancy book I could get my hands on. I needed to be ready to handle the baby, of course!
Selena spent most of her time gardening. I had kind of... well, neglected it while I was living alone, but she planned to bring it back to life.
One day I was leaving work when I noticed that Selena was walking in.
"What's going on?" I asked, worried.
"Oh, I'm just giving birth," she said calmly.
"WHAT??" I yelled. Needless to say, I fell into a bit of a panic and followed her in.
A few hours later, we drove home with not one but TWO babies. Selena had twins! Two beautiful girls, Chocolate and Cinnamon Savory.
The girls kept me up late, but I was happy than I'd ever been before. I loved having a family of my own.
One day, we took the girls to the park to meet Cammie and Opal and Sage and Shaun. It was great to see everyone again. I finally forgave Sage for starting his own family. I realized that he hadn't been trying to abandon me.
Opal had grown up a bit... bald. I told Cammie that, just in case she hadn't noticed, and Cammie refused to speak to me for a whole five minutes. What a drama queen!
When Selena became pregnant again, I hoped that she would have a little boy. I loved the girls, but to be honest I did feel a bit outnumbered...
Chocolate grew up into a very cute toddler, though we began to notice that she had a bit of a mean streak. She liked to take Cinnamon's toys from her and break them, just to see Cinnamon cry. We're hoping that she grows out of that phase.
Cinnamon grew up nicely as well. She was such a sweet toddler, always nice to her playmates. She also slept through the night consistently, something we did not expect from Chocolate.
When Selena went into labor this time, I was a little less panicked. As in, I didn't scream or freak out. Okay, not very much at least. I was composed enough to drive her there.
Selena gave birth to a boy, Parsley Savory. I'll admit, I was a bit thankful she didn't have twins. One pair was enough, thank you very much. We both agreed that for now three kids was the perfect size for our family.
Why is it that time goes by so fast when you're happy? It wasn't long before it was time for Parsley to become a toddler. He was absolutely adorable, and I had the feeling that someday he'll be a heartbreaker. But not yet, thankfully!
Next came the girls.
Cinnamon seemed a bit confused, but happy to be a child all the same.
Even as a toddler, Chocolate was plotting all the wrongdoings that she'll be able to get up to. I admit, I fear for the world a bit with her set loose...
As for me, I was content. I had everything I had ever dreamed of: an amazing wife, a great family, the perfect job. Somehow, I had made all of the drama worth it.
I suddenly remembered my promise to have a wonderful family and make them happy. I'd like to think that I have done that. I still have a lot of my own story left to complete, a story of love, happiness, and family. Somehow, I know that it's a story that doesn't need retelling. It's time for my children to begin their own stories, and to see where their lives take them.