Welcome to Culinary Goodness!

The Savorys were founded by Almond, the man who moved away from his life in Riverview and bought a plot of land in Sunset Valley. Will he and his legacy make it through fifteen generations, with fifteen simmers telling their story?

Sunday, August 1, 2010


So, that's it for the founding generation! I had a lot of fun with my part of this challenge, and I can't wait to see where the family goes from here.
While we're waiting for the first update of generation two, I thought I'd do a quick recap of what I did for my part.

Almond, the founder, completed his lifetime wish of becoming a Celebrated 5-Star Chef. He got to level 10 in cooking, gardening, and handiness, and level 5 in logic. He upgraded all the home's appliances/electronics to unbreakable, other than the stove (which got improved food quality). He learned all the recipes available from the bookstore, including Ambrosia.

Holly's lifetime want was to become a Rock Star, but she never completed it. Instead, she reached level 9 of the painter profession. She maxed painting, and got to level 7 in gardening, 5 in logic, 2 in cooking, and 2 in handiness. And, of course, she raised two kids. She also managed to paint Almond's portrait, as well as portraits for both kids (since I didn't know who SQ would choose as heir/ess).

Amaretto, or Rett, learned all his toddler skills, as well as everything he could from the xylophone and the shape sorter. He got to level 5 in painting, 4 in writing, 4 in logic, and 3 in cooking. He wrote and published one book and is working on a second. His lifetime want is to be an Illustrious Author and max the painting and writing skills.

Sage learned all her toddler skills, as well as everything she could from the xylophone, shape sorter, and block table. She got to level 4 in painting, writing, and logic, and level 3 in cooking. Her lifetime want, like Rett, is to be an Illustrious Author.

I had a lot of fun working on the house, and here's a shot of what it looks like as I pass the reigns over to SimQueenie9. :)
I hope you enjoyed reading the first generation as much as I enjoyed writing it.


Faktririjekt said...

*prepares to screw up everything, domino-effect style* XD

StyxLady said...

LOL, were you able to download the family okay? And you will not screw anything up! >< Haha.

Anonymous said...

I love the house you built for them, Styx. ^_^ It's gorgeous! Can't wait to see what SQ does with Gen. 2. :D

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